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Guest Diary: Eleven airplanes and one bottle of bai jiu

I’ve known Brian Dominguez since the late 1970s, when we both were very tiny people. Since then, I have grown to be a normal-sized human being, and Brian … well … let’s just say that my girlfriend Bliss — 5-foot-2 and petite — outweighs him. Despite his stature, I still consider Brian one of my best friends in the world.

Brian and his wife Jill — actually two inches shorter than Bliss — spent 14 days in China starting on February 20. I traveled with them … and we went all over the damn place. Starting and finishing in Shanghai, we hit Beijing, The Great Wall, Kunming, Lijiang and Xishuangbanna. Brian and Jill brought some amazing weather with them. They also brought an amazingly huge medicine bag. Jill is somewhat of a hypo … a hypo … Jill is very careful when it comes to health. (My favorite items from the medicine bag: two sterile syringes and two sets of “sterile” chopsticks. Yes, they brought chopsticks to China. They didn’t use the chopsticks — but I ended up using one of the syringes. Thanks to a poor choice of socks, I had to pop some nasty blisters after a two-day hike in ‘Banna.)

Anyway, the purpose of this post was to welcome you to read Brian’s journal from the trip. Brian’s mom has described his collection of entries as “voluminous.” I’d say that’s accurate. There are also plenty of photos on that page, several of which were “borrowed” from yours truly. If you’d like to comment on anything in Brian’s Guest Diary, you can do so as a comment to this post. Brian’s site is not a blog.

03.24.2005, 7:45 PM · Guest Diaries, Photos


  1. Why are u making such a big deal out of people’s height ? hmmmm, let me see , u must be bored !!

    Man, grow up ! Can’t u be more respectful to differences ?Can’t u be more tolerent to the world around u ??

    One day , hopefully , when u can be open to the world , u’ll see what a fool u were

  2. by the way , my email is markvan@163.com , in case if u want email me ?

  3. Thanks for your email address, Mark. But no, I do not want to email you. Because you are probably short. And I, obviously, hate all short people.